Edit a filter you own

You can edit a filterClosed a set of criteria to selectively screen out incoming information, such as "all active students" or "former students" that you own, but you can not edit a filter that is owned by another user. The edits you make to a filter apply to all users who have access to it.

To edit another user's filter that you have access to, first copy it, then edit it.

Note: You might not have security privileges to edit a school- or district-owned filter. See your Aspen system administrator for more information.

To edit a filter you own:

  1. Go to a list page, such as the Student List.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, click the Filter icon Filter icon. , and then select Manage Filters:

    Filter drop-down with current members selected.

    The Manage Filters pop-up appears:

    Manage filters pop-up.

  1. Select the filter to highlight it, and click Edit. The Filter Pick List appears:

    Filter pick list.

  1. Make changes to the Name, Owner, and Filter Type fields as needed.
  2. Click OK.
  3. If needed, change the order of a filter by selecting it and then clicking Up or Down:

  1. Click Close.