End-of-Year Wizard, Step 4: Withhold repeating students

In Step 4 of the End-of-Year Rollover wizardClosed, you can withhold students who will not be promoted. This step is optional. Deselect the 'Withhold repeating students' checkbox if you do not want to execute this step.


This step affects students in the selected snapshot or saved query. You must create the snapshot or saved query before running the wizard.

For the students in the snapshot you select, the system does the following:

  • Creates a year of graduation change (Y) enrollment record.
  • Increases each student’s year of graduation by one.

The system does not update the students’ grade levels.

To withhold repeating students:

  1. At the Selection field, click Search icon., and select Snapshot or Saved Query. Depending on your selection, the Snapshot or Query Pick List appears. From the Pick List, select the snapshot or saved query that contains the students who will not be promoted next year.
  2. At the Date field, type the date or click Select Date icon. to select the date the students were withheld. The default value is based on the start date of the selected school year.
  3. At the Reason field, select the reason the students were withheld. This value is required and must contain a valid reference code.
  4. Click Next to move to Step 5 of the End-of-Year Rollover wizard.