Approve requests entered by students online

When students enter their course requestsClosed courses that students have requested to attend for the next school term for next year in the Student portalClosed a view in Aspen where authorized parents and students can access student data, including attendance, assignments, conduct incidents, and grades, you can manage those requests in the School view.

To approve online student requests:

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Select Student > Schedule.
  3. Click the Requests side-tab. The student’s requests appear. You can enter and manage student requests and adjustments.
  4. In the upper-left corner of the page, click Entry mode>> to view and use the requests page the student uses.
  • Note: If appears next to the subject area, the student did not select the course recommended by his or her current teacher. Click Select to view the course the student selected in comparison to the course or courses recommended by the teacher.
  1. You can edit any requests the student has made. Also, view any Notes for the counselor they have typed.
  2. After reviewing and making any necessary changes, to approve the student’s requests, select the Approve checkbox at the bottom of the page. After you approve the student’s requests, he or she can no longer make changes using the Student portal.