Copying Assignments

After you create an assignment, you might want to make one or more copies of it.

Example: Assume you are assigning five identical homework assignments for the week (Worksheets 1-5). You can create the homework assignment for Worksheet 1, and simply copy it four times to save the time it takes to define the assignment and its point information.

Or, you might want to re-use an assignment stored in your Planner but do not want to create it from scratch. You can copy and edit the assignment with just a few clicks, and use it for another section or course.

You can:

Any reporting standards associated with the assignment will also be copied.

Note: If you copy an assignment that is associated with a locked grade term, you will need to change it to an unlocked grade term to save it. If you copy several assignments at once, Aspen skips any assignment associated with a locked grade term.