View the Workspace matrix by room

View the Workspace matrix for your master schedule by room.

A row appears for each room, and each cell displays information for the course sections that are scheduled in that room during a specific period.

Pre-scheduled sections appear in red.

At the top of the page, you can filterClosed a set of criteria to selectively screen out incoming information, such as "all active students" or "former students" the rooms and the information that appears for them using the following fields:

Note: You do not have to use any of these filters to view all rooms on the master schedule.



View master by

Select Course to view the schedule by course.


Select a specific department to include only rooms in that department, or leave the field blank to include all rooms.


Select this checkbox to indicate that you want the system to recalculate the information if you leave this page, manually make a change to a section, and then return.

Note: The matrix is automatically refreshed after a build or load.

Hide teacher

Select this checkbox to indicate you do not want teacher names to appear.

Hide enrollment total

Select this checkbox to indicate you do not want enrollment totals for each section to appear.

Free on period

Select the period to include only the rooms that are fully free that period on the matrix.

The Status column displays the following statistics for each room:

  • The maximum capacity of the room.
  • The number of sections scheduled in the room.
  • The number of periods the room is fully scheduled.
  • The number of periods the room is fully free.