Post student grades for a term by course

If office staff members enter or edit grades for a teacher, they must post or re-post grades for those course sections.

To post student grades for a term by course:

  1. Log on to the School view.
  2. Select Grades > Grade Input.
  3. Select the checkbox next to a course section.
  4. On the Grade Input side-tab, click Input Grid.
  5. Enter or edit grades.
  6. On the Options menu, click Post Grades. The Post Grades pop-up appears.
  1. At the Grade Term field, select the grade term.
  2. At the Grades to post field, select Term grades for all students to post term grades, or Progress grades for all students to post progress report grades.
  3. Click OK. The system stores these grades, and the grades now appear on transcripts and report cards.