Create an Aspen account without an email link

Most districts send an email to new users with a link and validation code to set up an account. If you do not receive the email, ask your school registrar if you have been given Family portal access, and confirm they have your correct email address. This is the recommended way to set up an Aspen user account.

It is, however, possible to request an account from the Aspen login page.

Note: Your/your child's school manages your Aspen user account. If you can't log in, contact your school. (Follett doesn't manage user accounts and can't help with system access.)
  1. If your district did not send you an email, you can request an account in Aspen. Go to the Aspen login screen.
  2. Aspen login screen.

  1. Click Request an account.
  2. The screen displays some (or all) of these options:
    • I am a parent new to the district: Select this option if the system does not contain any of your information (you have not received a security code from your district).
    • I am a parent new to Aspen: If your student is enrolled in the system, but you do not yet have an Aspen account, your district should have sent you an email with a security code and a link. Follow these instructions.
    • I am a student new to Aspen: If you are enrolled in the system, but you do not yet have an Aspen account, your district should have sent you an email with a security code and a link. Follow these instructions.
  3. Notes:

    • If you already requested an account but lost or did not receive the email containing the security code, click the Click here link at the bottom of the pop-up to have the message resent.
    • If you think you have information in Aspen but have not received a security code, contact your school.

  4. If you selected I am a parent new to the district, the Personal Information pop-up appears. Enter your information in the fields.
    Note: Fields with a red asterisk * are required.
  1. Click Next Step.
  2. Complete the fields on the Account Information pop-up.
  3. Note: Click Requirements next to the Password field to see a list of the necessary characteristics to create a password.
  4. Click Create My Account. A message confirms that the account request was processed. It also notifies you that a verification email was sent to the email address provided.
  5. Next, follow these instructions.