Checking Your Student's Assignments (Aspen Mobile)

Tap Assignments in Aspen Mobile to check any assignments that are due today or tomorrow, and those that are overdue.


  • Aspen Mobile adjusts based on the screen size of your mobile device or browser window. What you see might be slightly different than what is shown here.
  • The following screenshots are based on the Parent portal in Aspen Mobile. Students will see a slightly different set of screens.
  • Sometimes students take classes at more than one school during a term. In those cases, assignments from the student's primary and secondary schools appear here.

  1. Log on to Aspen Mobile.
  2. From the Home screen, tap Assignments. A list of assignments due today, tomorrow, long term and overdue appears.
    Note: If you have more than one Aspen student, you can select their name from the drop-down at the top of the screen.
  1. Any overdue assignments appear at the top of the screen.

  1. Click an assignment name for details.
  1. Tap < Back to return to the Assignments screen.