Viewing Student Information (Aspen Mobile)

In Aspen Mobile, tap Family to see information about your student(s).


  • Aspen Mobile adjusts based on the screen size of your mobile device or browser window. What you see might be slightly different than what is shown here.
  • This feature is available only in the Family portal in Aspen Mobile.
  • Your district's and school's settings determine the information the information that appears.
  • If you have more than one student in Aspen, tap the student name in the top-left of the screen, and then tap the other child's name.

To view student information:

  1. Log on to Aspen Mobile using your phone or tablet.
  2. Tap Menu button >Family.

Depending on how your district set up the portal, you can see the following information:

  • Details
  • Contacts
  • Notifications
  • Groups

Student Details

Student details include a variety of information about your student, including:

  • Demographic information
  • Addresses
  • GPA
  • Ethnicity
  1. To see student demographic details, tap Menu button > Family.
  2. Tap Notification > Details. The Details screen appears.
  3. " "

  1. Tap < Back to return to the Home screen, or tap a different option under Notification.

Student Contact Information

Contacts are people the school can call regarding your student.

  1. To view this information, tap Menu button > Family.
  2. Tap Notification > Contacts. You can view the contact’s:
  • Address
  • Relationship
  • Phone numbers

    Contacts screen

    Note: Tap any column header to sort it in ascending alphabetical order. Tap it again to sort it in descending order.
  1. Tap < Back to return to the Home screen, or tap a different option under Notification.


If your school uses email notifications, parents can subscribe to receive email messages about the following events:

  • Conduct
  • Health visit
  • Daily attendance
  • Class attendance
  • Minimum grade (a grade falls below a threshold you define)

Note: Aspen creates a record for each event and gives it a timestamp. Your district sets up a "job" that tells Aspen to send the emails. The timing of when the email is sent depends on the timestamp on the record and when your district runs the job (usually within a seven-day window).

Example: In the Hale school district, Aspen runs the job to send email notifications for conduct incidents every Tuesday night. On Tuesday April 1, Aspen runs the job as usual. On Wednesday April 2, Cole has a conduct incident. When Aspen runs the job on Tuesday, April 8, an email notification is sent for Cole. This is because the incident's timestamp is after April 1, and falls within the window of when the job was run (April 1 through April 8).
  1. To subscribe to email notifications, tap Menu button >Family. The Notifications screen appears.
  2. " "

  1. At the top of the page, any email addresses associated with your account appear. Tap the checkbox next to each email address you want to receive notifications.
  2. After reading the description of each subscription, tap the checkbox next to its name to receive that email notification.
    Note: For the Grades notification, define a Grade Threshold between 1 and 100. The system will send an email when the student receives a grade below that percentage.
  1. Tap Submit to save.
    Note: For each subscription, the system sends the appropriate messages to the designated email account. To view/change this account, tap Preferences.


You can see a detailed list of the groups your student belongs to, including:

  • Group name
  • Group category (such as Club, Class, Academics, etc.)
  • Advisor’s name
  1. To see the list your student belongs to, tap Groups.
  1. Tap < Back to return to the Home screen, or tap a different option under Notification.