Checking Your Student's Grades (Aspen Mobile)

Use Aspen Mobile to monitor your student’s grades by term, class and assignment.


  • Aspen Mobile adjusts based on the screen size of your mobile device or browser window. What you see might be slightly different than what is shown here.
  • The following screenshots are based on the Family portal in Aspen Mobile. Students will see a slightly different set of screens.

To access grade information:

  1. Log on to Aspen Mobile using your phone or tablet.
  2. Tap Grades. A list of your student’s classes appears.
  3. Note: If you have more than one Aspen student, you can select their name from the drop-down at the top of the screen.

    Grades screen showing classes with term averages


    • This list displays classes for the current year and term. If you want to view classes for the previous year or grade term, click the Current Year drop-down and select Previous Year, or click the Current Term drop-down and select All Terms or the appropriate term.
    • Sometimes students take classes at more than one school during a term. In those cases, classes for the student's primary and secondary schools appear on the list.
    • This icon Scores not collected for a course icon means that scores are not collected for the course.

The bar chart at the top shows term grades by class. They are divided into groups, based on the percentage earned from the maximum possible score.

grades bar chart

Tap a bar to see details. By tapping 6, this parent sees that his student has 6 term grades in the highest percentile and their details.

Grades details screenshot

To check grades:

  1. To see a summary of class performance, tap a class name. Or, in the more column, tap Down arrow in the row for the class. The class details appear.
  2. Grades screen showing performace chart and grade details

  1. There are four different parts of the screen you can tap to view more information, as described below.
  2. Field


    Class performance line chart

    Tap a point on the line chart to see assignment(s) and score(s) for the selected period.

    Line chart of assignments and scores

    Teacher's email link

    Tap the teacher's name Teacher name and envelope icon to send an email. Your preferred email service launches, with the teacher's email address in the To: field.

    Grade Details

    Tap to view assignments and grades for the selected class.

    Grade Details screen

    Tap an assignment to see its details, such as the due date and score.

    Assignment Details screen

    Weights & Averages

    Tap to view grade information for the class.

    Class grade information screen

    The screen displays a breakdown of the Gradebook by assignment type and category, including:

    • Weight: A percentage showing how much the category is worth toward the overall grade.

      NoteN/A in the Weight row means the teacher does not use weights to calculate averages for this class.

    • Average: Your average grade for assignments in this category.
    • Term Columns: Broken out by quarter, trimester or semester, depending on your district’s calendar. Each term has an associated grade.
    • Posted grade: The grade posted for report cards. This does not show a grade until the teacher posts grades using Aspen.
    • Running Totals: The average of all assignments included in the date range for the current term or semester. This can give a more accurate snapshot of your student’s performance than the current term average, which does not take previous terms into account.
    • Avg. Over Time: Bar chart shows averages by category per grading period. Tap it to view scores for each category.